Police & Fire 911 James Hendrickson (775) 348-2285

Please contact Joe Saiz, at (775) 851-5673 or 690-1952 if there are any chemicals in your inventory that are not in this system

Washoe County School District
Local data


*This local data is shared by all revisions

Chevron 1000 THF

Hazard Statements

Not expected to cause prolonged or significant eye irritation

Contact with the skin is not to be excepted to cause prolonged or significant irritation

Not expected to harmful if swallowed or inhaled

High Pressure Equipment info: Accidental high -velocity injection under the skin of materials of this type may result in serious injury

Manufacturer information


Chevron Texaco Global Lubricants




6001 Bollinger Canyon Rd.
San Ramon, CA 94583

Washoe County School District
Local data


*This local data is shared by all revisions